We left the herons building their nest and trying it out for size. (If you missed Part 1 it is here.) When a gang of noisy magpies charged around the tree-house pine and the neighbouring casuarina tree, squabbling
Love in the Tree House: Part 2

We left the herons building their nest and trying it out for size. (If you missed Part 1 it is here.) When a gang of noisy magpies charged around the tree-house pine and the neighbouring casuarina tree, squabbling
As the old song says: “Love is a many splendored thing … nature’s way of giving a reason to be living,” and we teasingly call courting couples ‘love birds’. But do birds experience love? It’s a moot point. Birds
For one person to hand plant five acres of hillside with native trees takes years. And the trees may take decades to reach maturity. But the creation of a forest community extending above and below ground is Nature’s work of
A forest is never complete; nothing in nature is ever truly finished. All living things exist in a state of transition, of becoming and, therefore, of perpetual uncertainty and change – and not only sentient beings but the land as
The five acre forest now clothes an ancient migrated dune; it is all sand and therefore dry land. After twenty years of clearing and planting, topsoil is beginning to form where tree debris has been left to rot and return