My first ambitious attempt at nonfiction emerged when, as a stranded 11-year-old, I lived temporarily with my aged Manx grandmother, a good Christian woman of wide girth and narrow attitudes. Confined to quiet pursuits one Sunday afternoon, and armed
Write Your Nonfiction Book
Now my latest book, Writing Your Nonfiction Book: The Complete Guide to Becoming an Author is released, there is no better time to share with you a little of why and how it was written. It is always pleasing to
Tips for Creative Travel Writing Part 3
These last five topics – theme, structure, beginnings/endings, voice, and detail – are closely related. Blend them like an exquisite curry and your travelogue will be as tasty and memorable. [If you missed Part 1 it is here, Part
Tips for Creative Travel Writing: Part 1
Non-fiction authors lack the freedom of fiction writers to ‘make things up’. We have to show factual truth as best we can discern it. Without such authenticity our reputations are at risk. But avoiding invention does not mean we can’t
5 Essentials for a One-page Synopsis
Capture the heart of your story and make it beat in 300 words. An earlier post gives you 6 Good Reasons to Write a One-page Synopsis, including ways to use it in promotion and marketing. This post gives you