IMG_0535The first blog post of visual inspiration was so popular that I decided to construct another one.

We have evolved to understand the world as stories, so if we gaze at a picture long enough with our whole attention, we can begin to absorb the atmosphere, to feel the mood arrested in the image and to create in our minds what led up to that moment, and what will follow – the story in the scene. Or, by association, it may lead us anywhere.

Each of us may have a different outcome, make a different tale, and that is one of the problems for those who design book covers because they seek to make a specific impression on as many browsers as possible.

Cover designs, whatever the book genre, have to attract attention, create an understanding of what is inside and generate a desire to know more – all in a few seconds. We usually wait until a book is finished before distilling the story into one powerful image.

But if an image is that potent, we can try reverse engineering: start with the cover and see what inspiration it gives us for our own story. So that’s what I’ve done. I’m not a designer, but I’ve fiddled about with some of my photographs to give them the appearance of a potential book cover. You are invited to meditate on any that appeal to you.

I hope they stimulate your muse.


herb seller









pink hat Torrijos














You will find more images – story-inspiration to stir your imagination HERE

Anyone here who loves stories will want to know about the first global history of storytelling: A Biography of Story, A Brief History of Humanity

Happy reading and writing!

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More Visual Inspiration