Be wary of paying high fees for someone to write your book blurb. An author knows better than anyone what the book is about, who they wrote it for and what they want readers to gain from it. A hyped
How to Write Family History as Story
To make family histories enthralling reads we must tell them as stories. Why? Because stories are how we learn and understand. Not just where and when people were born, married, and died, but who they were – their characters and
Why Writers Need a Timeline
Creating a timeline is a vital stage in outlining your non-fiction book, and it has value also for planning fiction. Your outline is not etched on steel – it will develop with revisions and additions as you complete your research
The Benefits of Keeping a Journal
“Life is not what one lived, but what one remembers and how one remembers it in order to recount it.” [Gabriel García Márquez] How often have we experienced an episode in our lives that has touched us deeply, and thought,
Should You Write Non-fiction?
Predicting trends in publishing is a risky venture, but there seems to be a growing desire to read narrative non-fiction; not only memoir, biography and travelogue – always popular – but books on every conceivable subject. Over a recent four-week