How to Blend Your Own Body Oils

Be kind to yourself. Aromatic body oils don’t have to be an expensive luxury. You can blend your own.

How to use aromatic body oils:

  • After a shower or bath to condition, moisturise and soften the skin.
  • Massage neck and pulse points (temples, soles of feet, wrists) to relax at bed-time.
  • Massage the aching bits – for writers; hands, wrists and backs especially.
  • Massage into neck and arms to re-invigorate during the writing day.

***** wash your hands before using the keyboard – it doesn’t like oil all over it.

Here’s how to blend your own:

What you will need, and some basic information:

1. A base-oil, also called a carrier-oil, used to dilute the essential oils for application. Always use cold pressedoil (read the label). Organic would be a bonus.

I use a range of base-oils in my clinic because they have different qualities. Apricot kernel, and avocado oils for example are especially good for mature skin. But one good, all-purpose, base-oil is safflower oil: it is light, absorbed quickly, inexpensive, and is not known to cause allergic reaction. If you can’t find safflower, look for sunflower, or grapeseed oils, they are very similar.

One of the benefits of blending your own oils in small quantities is the avoidance of chemical preservatives; if you do make larger quantities and want to be sure it will keep for several months, add 10% jojoba oil to the base oil: it is an anti-oxidant and natural preservative.

2. Essential oils: there are hundreds of essential oils, many of them interchangeable in their effects and combinations. I have described below a range of blends that can be made from a collection of six essential oils: Juniper berry (Juniperus communis); Marjorum French (Origanum marjorana); Rosemary Cineol (Rosmarinus officinalis cineol), Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia), Geranium (Pelargonium graveolens), and Lemon (Citrus limonum).

Always buy certified pure essential oils (not synthetics). You can lower the cost by getting together with friends; each buy a couple and share them as you need them. (There are approximately 200 drops in a 10ml bottle of essential oil).

3. A small glass measuring jug – the recipes below are for 100ml blends. (Glass because it will clean thoroughly: oils may leave traces in plastic).

4. Bottles: some new, clean, 100ml glass bottles with screw caps to store your blends, and labels for them so you know what they are.

The blending method:

Measure out the base-oil first; add the drops of essential oil second. Stir gently and briefly to aid blending (disposable lolly sticks are good for this), and pour into a clean, dry, glass bottle. Screw cap on firmly, and label.

Remember, when reading quantities: with base-oils you are dealing with mls, and essential oils, with dropsdon’t get them mixed up.

Essential oils are potent, never use more than the stated quantities.

The essential oil bottles should have drop-stoppers; some oils are more viscous than others and slow to form drops but do not take out the stopper with impatience or you won’t get the correct measure.

Clean everything you use carefully before mixing a different blend, a citrus-based natural cleaning agent will remove oil effectively.

OK, we’re ready to go – the recipes:

(1)  Wake-up call – for mental energy: To 100 ml of base-oil, add: 24 drops of rosemary, 12 drops of geranium, and 12 drops of lemon.

(2) Skin tonic – or just to feel good all over: To 100 ml of base-oil, add: 8 drops of marjoram, 16 drops of lavender, 12 drops of geranium, and 12 drops of lemon.

(3) For the achey bits – (but don’t apply pressure to inflamed or bruised areas): To 100 ml of base-oil, add: 24 drops of rosemary (or lavender – see safety notes below), 10 drops of marjoram, and 12 drops of juniper berry.

(4) Relaxation – relieve the tension: To 100 of base-oil add: 10 drops of marjoram, 20 drops of lavender, and 20 drops of geranium.

(5) Bedtime – to help you get to sleep: To 100 ml of base-oil add: 24 drops of lavender; 10 drops of marjoram, and 8 drops of lemon.

Tip for sensitive skin:

If you have sensitive skin, test for any skin reaction before using a blend by applying a small quantity behind and just below your ear-lobe. This is one of the most sensitive parts of your skin: if there is any reaction, wash the oil off with cold soapy water (heat will encourage further absorption).

Essential to read – Safety:

  • Avoid rosemary oil if you have high blood pressure, are pregnant, or suffer from epilepsy.
  • All of these blends are for external use only.
  • Keep oils out of reach of children’s inquisitive fingers.
  • Store tightly sealed in the cool, and away from direct light.
  • This post is not giving medical advice. If you have any health issues, see a health practitioner before trying therapies new to you.

What are your favourite treats?

  Comments welcome, and I’ll answer questions if I can.  Enjoy!






How to Blend Your Own Body Oils
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2 thoughts on “How to Blend Your Own Body Oils

  • August 12, 2011 at 6:42 pm

    Love these recipes, I can’t wait to try and make some of my own. Thanks for sharing!

    • August 12, 2011 at 7:00 pm

      You’re welcome. Good to have you visit. Enjoy your oils.

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