To make family histories enthralling reads we must tell them as stories. Why? Because stories are how we learn and understand. Not just where and when people were born, married, and died, but who they were – their characters and
How to Turn Your Family History into a ‘Good Read’
Members of our local Family History Society amassed so many notes, letters, photos and family myths they didn’t know what to do with it all. They wanted to share their histories to anchor the younger generation, but their accounts would
Why Writers Need a Timeline
Creating a timeline is a vital stage in outlining your non-fiction book, and it has value also for planning fiction. Your outline is not etched on steel – it will develop with revisions and additions as you complete your research
Why Inside the Crocodile?

I’ve been asked several times why I chose Inside the Crocodile as the main title for my recent travel/work memoir. Crocodiles are common in Papua New Guinea’s lowland rivers and they have in many ways become an emblem of the
The Benefits of Keeping a Journal

“Life is not what one lived, but what one remembers and how one remembers it in order to recount it.” [Gabriel García Márquez] How often have we experienced an episode in our lives that has touched us deeply, and thought,