“Life is not what one lived, but what one remembers and how one remembers it in order to recount it.” [Gabriel García Márquez] How often have we experienced an episode in our lives that has touched us deeply, and thought,
10 Reasons to Write Your Nonfiction Book
My first ambitious attempt at nonfiction emerged when, as a stranded 11-year-old, I lived temporarily with my aged Manx grandmother, a good Christian woman of wide girth and narrow attitudes. Confined to quiet pursuits one Sunday afternoon, and armed
Tips for Creative Travel Writing Part 3
These last five topics – theme, structure, beginnings/endings, voice, and detail – are closely related. Blend them like an exquisite curry and your travelogue will be as tasty and memorable. [If you missed Part 1 it is here, Part
Travel Tales of Bhutan: Blessings
Most people fly to Bhutan, holding their breath for the nerve-racking landing in the spectacular Paro Valley. But we took the long way round – driving from Siliguri through the Darjeeling region of India to the border town of Phuntsholing.
Venice: the power of myth
Venice, celestial city of gold and splendour, Queen of the Adriatic, hides a dark secret. The story of her birth on 25 March in the year 421, as a Christian city favoured by Saint Mark, a free city-state immaculately conceived