I don’t believe in ghosts. And I don’t believe in ‘writers’ block’. It’s a scary phantom that causes anxiety, frustration and stress; self-perpetuating states that erode creativity and sap energy. More significantly, ‘writers’ block’ is a negative concept that
Scrabble Cheat Sheet 2
If you missed Part 1 last week, you should maybe catch up on that first because it establishes some important ground rules. In Cheat Sheet 2 we complete the alphabet from N – Z. (And even if you don’t play
Scrabble Cheat Sheet 1
Scrabble is simply a game, a source of friendly, family fun. Right? Not entirely. If you have a writer in the family don’t be disarmed by the serene smile and placid wine sipping: writers play in deadly earnest. Our reputations
Thesaurus: a species of dinosaur?
Be not afraid. I’m not about to bring in a Tyrannosaurus rex, a Brachiosaurus, or even a Brontësaurus, but a book of words. Not necessarily harmless – words can savage – but perfectly safe and rewarding for a writer to
Writing Distinctive Voices
In a recent post on inspiration, I mentioned my natural tendency to ‘see’ time, space and events as visual scenes and patterns. Here, I confess to hearing voices. No, not literally – they’re not about to take me away –