A couple of years ago, after completing a successful writers’ workshop tour in Europe, I shared tips here on how to do it.
In June/July this year, I will be taking my new non-fiction, A Biography of Story, A Brief History of Humanity, on tour to present talks at festivals, bookshops and libraries in the UK. Arranging this different tour boosted some of my earlier tips but also produced new insights, so it seemed useful to write a new post.
When it comes to book promotion, all authors are now expected to do a major part of the work however they are published. Many authors struggle with this side of their career. But a book tour exposes your work to fresh readers, attracts publicity and forges promising contacts for the future.
Publishers arrange book tours for only a tiny minority of their authors. You can join that lucky band by planning your own:
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Competition is so keen that even publicists for bestsellers are scrambling to get their authors into the big national events. But there are advantages at regional and local levels. You need to be smart…. [Read the whole article]
Update: You can now read about the results of the book tour in the UK, and in the Isle of Man.
[First posted as a guest post for Lorraine Mace (@lomace) on her Writers ABC Checklist website.]